Hi! It’s me Criscillia. I want to let you know that I have no plans to monetize this website by participating in affiliate marketing, or by selling ads, your email address, or private data.
I will not share the information this site collects with third parties, other than those associated with the services I use to improve Criscillia Writes and manage my e-newsletter. To improve Criscillia Writes, I will use the analytics tools Wix.com provides. To manage my e-newsletter, I am using the MailChimp newsletter service which collects opt-in email addresses. I understand that the MailChimp newsletter service also uses tracking pixels to see when subscribers open newsletter emails and track which links receive clicks. I believe this information will help me maintain an e-newsletter worth reading that informs readers about my current and future projects.
Although I have not done so yet, I reserve the right use available technology to protect my rights to the work I create.
I will not sell the information collected by either this site or the technologies surrounding and enabling its existence. I respect your privacy and all people's privacy, especially the privacy of children. I work with the Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood to protect children and their online data from Attention Merchants (to borrow a term from Tim Wu).
In the disclosure above, I described what I know about how this site and attendant technologies collect and use the data created by visitors to the site. I believe these data creations are not mine to sell, and will act accordingly.
Criscillia Writes does not have a budget. I direct those readers who wish to support my written work to my Medium channel. I participate in their Medium Partner Program. If you know of a reason why I should not, please get in touch.
What is written on this site's Statements page represents my good-faith effort to communicate my intentions for Criscillia Writes, and to be as transparent as I can about what I know about data collection and use with regard to this site. Information may be collected and used in ways I don't know. I hope that isn't the case.
With Criscillia Writes, I strive to provide prose worth reading and ideas worth considering and sharing through conversation. I am not a medical doctor, and have no legal training. What is published on Criscillia Writes does not constitute professional, medical, or legal advice. Please consult your doctor, your lawyer, and other people you trust for personalized advice and appropriately-tailored decision-making assistance.